Important note: Please consider that this is not an automatic registration process; it requires authorizations.
- Complete and send this form online.
- When the form is received at the Operating Office, a message will be sent to you either informing that the status of your registration is “in process” or requesting additional information in order to continue.
- If the message from the Operating Office says that the status of your registration is “in process”, you will be informed as to how to make the payment and to request hotel reservation.
- When you receive the message with the invoice, you can choose to make the payment either through a bank transfer or through the credit card payment platform.
- When the payment is verified, the status of your registration will change to “confirmed”.
- You can check your registration status in the Attendants’ List appearing in the event’s Section of our website.
- PASA MEMBER: An employee having a stable labor relationship with the member company. This category DOES NOT include consultants or advisors of the member company.
- OBSERVER “M”: Employee of an affiliate or branch or representative office of a member company. This category DOES NOT include consultants or advisors of the member company.
- OBSERVER “A/B/C”: Representative of a NON-MEMBER company. They should be proposed by two member companies of which at least one company must be from your country in the case of countries that already have PASA members. Proposals should be sent to so that the Operating Office may make inquiries and specifically inform them whether they are authorized to participate. This category DOES NOT include consultants, reinsurance brokers or intermediaries.
- GUEST: An officer who is especially invited by PASA authorities.
- PRESS: An insurance media representative who is especially invited by PASA authorities.
- SPEAKER: A lecturer who is especially invited by PASA authorities.
- ACCOMPANYING PERSON: The spouse or relative of the person enrolled.
- Cancellations must be submitted in written form, clearly indicating your name (/s) and company until Friday, April 21, 2023 by e-mail to:
- Cancellations reported as from Saturday, 22 April 2023 will not be reimbursed.
- All cancellations are subject to an administrative fee of USD 60, tax included.
- The corresponding reimbursements will be effective after the event.
Important benefit FOR MEMBERS ONLY:
The company that registers more than three persons is entitled to the following benefits:
A 10% off on the 4th and the 5th person registered.
A 15% off as from the 6th person registered.